Otmoor 1/10/14

Otmoor 1/10/14

Red-backed shrike, Noke end of the reserve.
Note: there is no allocated RSPB parking in Noke village, please be respectful of the people who live here. We have contractors on site at this end of the reserve, please keep out of the way of machinery and access open.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Otmoor team

- Otmoor.a.m. 7th January.
1 Cetti's Warbler (calling, by the bridleway) 20 Snipe (Greenaways Scrape) 3 White-fronted Geese (Ashgrave,Noke end) 1 Ross's Goose (feral) 1 Peregrine (female, on Big Otmoor) 2 Stonechat (M&F, Greenaways) 1 Sparrowhawk (female, Otmoor Lane)....

- Otmoor 1st October
Please view at 720p or 1080p HD RED-BACKED SHRIKE imm  nr Lower Farm (aka Noke Farm) along northern fence line and still present at 7 pm this evening in the same spot & looks like going to roost (per Liam Langley) Found by Oxford United Paul....

- Otmoor Event Saturday 29th June
Just to remind everyone, we are holding a childrens event 'Explore the Moor' this saturday between 1 and 4pm. This means the reserve is going to be busy and the car park quite full. You are more welcome to visit the reserve at this time, your...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 21st April
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Cuckoo: Heard (several times) only somewhere near Noke Wood area. Nick Truby...

- Otmoor 26th November
No sign of any Whooper Swans on Otmoor today (per The Wickster & Terry Sherlock) Though Otter showing well this morning on the island in front of the 1st screen. Currently no access on to the reserve from Noke or Oddington due to flooding. Otmoor...

