Otmoor.A.M. 9th March.

Otmoor.A.M. 9th March.

2 Curlew (displaying over Reedbeds)
3 Redshank
1 Dunlin
1 Merlin (Noke End)
1 W.F.Goose ( with Greylags, Ashgrave S.W. corner)

Bittern Really close views as it came out of the Southern Phase of the reedbed and flew overhead landing in the north east corner of the Northern Phase.

Joe Harris

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 8th April
2 Marsh Harrier (m/f skydiving over Reedbeds) 1 Sparrowhawk (over CP Field) 1 Peregrine 1 Merlin (Otmoor Lane). 2 Little-ringed Plover 2 Oystercatcher 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Ruff 2 Dunlin (Ashgrave) 1 Curlew (calling, Greenaways) 6+Snipe 1 Water Rail (H)...

- Lower Windrush Valley - Pit 60 - Standlake
From East hide (map here) 5.30 - 7.00pm Goldeneye 7 (1m)as one flock Goosander 20 arriving through visit, often as pairs, roosting throughout Lapwing 6 on islands plus another 6 flew in at dusk Snipe 2 on islands Oystercatcher 2 (1 having metal ring on...

- Otmoor: 29th February
Otmoor White-fronted Goose: Northern phase of reedbed. Merlin: Male in front of hide. Peregrine: Big Otmoor. Joe Harris...

- Otmoor 30th January
White-fronted Goose (on Flood field with Greylag flock) Pintail (on southern phase of reedbed) Joe Harris 4+ Short-eared Owl (Big Otmoor) c4p.m (per RBA) more at Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 1st September
Marsh Harrier (fem) flew over the Northern phase of the reedbed. Also 10 Buzzards and 6 Red Kites soaring together, 4 Kestrel and 5+ Hobbies so a good day for raptors. 2 Whinchat near hide & 2 Green Sandpiper in reedbed. Joe Harris ...

