Otmoor 1st September

Otmoor 1st September

Marsh Harrier (fem) flew over the Northern phase of the reedbed.
Also 10 Buzzards and 6 Red Kites soaring together, 4 Kestrel and 5+ Hobbies so a good day for raptors. 2 Whinchat near hide & 2 Green Sandpiper in reedbed.

Joe Harris

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 29th October
Otmoor Kestrel courtesy of John Reynolds Marsh Harrier Sparrowhawk: Hunting over reedbed. 100 Pied Wagtail: Flying into reedbed to roost. Swallow: Flew into reedbed. RSPB Otmoor...

- Otmoor.a.m. 9th March.
2 Curlew (displaying over Reedbeds) 3 Redshank 1 Dunlin 1 Merlin (Noke End) 1 W.F.Goose ( with Greylags, Ashgrave S.W. corner) Bittern Really close views as it came out of the Southern Phase of the reedbed and flew overhead landing in the north east corner...

- Otmoor: 29th February
Otmoor White-fronted Goose: Northern phase of reedbed. Merlin: Male in front of hide. Peregrine: Big Otmoor. Joe Harris...

- Otmoor: 2nd June
Otmoor Cetti's Warbler: heard calling from Northern edge of Greenaways. Common Tern & Curlew over reedbed, Grasshopper Warbler reeling in carpark field. Yesterday (1/6/11) Turtle Dove, Water Rail, 4 Hobbies, LRP. Joe Harris ...

- Otmoor 9th May
2 Garganey: male & fem. Garganey pair feeding on Ashgrave field in front of hide. 4 Hobbies Cuckoo over Greenaways. 20+ Swifts feeding over reedbed. Impressive sight of Buzzard being mobbed by c.50 Lapwing over Big Otmoor. Turtle Dove briefly seen...

