Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 29th October

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 29th October

Otmoor Kestrel courtesy of John Reynolds

Marsh Harrier
Sparrowhawk: Hunting over reedbed.
100 Pied Wagtail: Flying into reedbed to roost.
Swallow: Flew into reedbed.

RSPB Otmoor

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 7th April
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Marsh Harrier: Mobbing buzzard high over reedbed. RSPB Otmoor...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 5th September
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Greenshank Bittern this evening (per Phil Barnett) Yellow Wagtail 220+ went to roost in the reed beds (per Phil Barnett) Black-tailed Godwit Marsh Harrier 2 Water Rail (per RSPB Otmoor) Long Meadow Redstart 3 Spotted Flycatcher Willow...

- Otmoor: 23rd July
Marsh Harrier: Viewed from 1st Screen flying from Greenways into Reedbed. Glossy Ibis: Flew over top of 1st screen from Reedbed to Big Otmoor. Hobby 2 Little Egret 6 2 Turtle Dove: Viewed on telegraph pole & wires along the closes. Mark Ribbons...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 21st April
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Grasshopper Warbler: Showing well from gate halfway up car park field. Whinchat: Path to first screen at 07:30. Marsh Harrier: fem. Hunting over reedbed 07:00-45. Nick Truby...

- Rspb Otmoor Webs (unofficial) 29th Oct.
Lapwing 587 (12 Closes, 75 Greenaways, 500 Ashgrave)Snipe 2 (1 Closes, 1 Ashgrave)Golden plover 14 (13 Big Otmoor, 1 Ashgrave)Redshank 2 (2 Closes) Greylag geese 158 (158 Closes)Canada geese 383 (2 Closes, 1 Flood, 380 Ashgrave)Moorhen 6 (3 Closes, 3...

