Lower Windrush Valley - Pit 60 - Standlake

Lower Windrush Valley - Pit 60 - Standlake

From East hide (map here) 5.30 - 7.00pm
Goldeneye 7 (1m)as one flock
Goosander 20 arriving through visit, often as pairs, roosting throughout
Lapwing 6 on islands plus another 6 flew in at dusk
Snipe 2 on islands
Oystercatcher 2 (1 having metal ring on right leg)
Pintail 18 (9m)amongst wigeon till dusk when they came together and started displaying
Wigeon c100 mainly south shore until flushed by pale Buzzard landing close by
Tufted 24 throughout
Pochard c10? NW corner
Teal c40? throughout
Gadwall c20? throughout
Little Egret 1 flew over NE
NO gulls, 1 Fox and small flocks of Fieldfare

- Standlake Pit 60 26 February Pm
1 Smew (redhead) 2 Goosander (both females) 350 Eurasian Wigeon 51 Tufted Duck 50+ Common Teal 20+ Common Pochard 20 Mallard 8 Northern Shoveler 5 Gadwall 2 Little Grebe 1 Little Egret 10 Lapwing 50+ Fieldfare Waterski Pit 10 Goosander (3 males 7 females)...

- Thrupp Lake, Radley
Earth Trust Birdwatching walk around Thrupp Lake, Radley yielded 31 species in 2 hours. Green Sandpiper, small flocks of Redwing and Lapwing, displaying G.C. Grebes in winter plumage, singing Song Thrush, 3min Kingfisher and perhaps 6 Grey Heron and a...

- Otmoor 24th Jan
4 bullfinch 1 heron 2 red kites 1 buzzard 6 pochard 10+ gadwall 2 pintail 20+ tufted 200+ wigeon 25 teal 25+ shoveler C.2300 lapwing 1 peregrine...

- Radley Lakes Mon 6th Dec 2010 2.45-4.45pm
Raw is the word but not as bad as heading towards Farmoor where increasing hawfrost precipitated an about turn. At Radley, all water bodies frozen excepting about western fifth of Thrupp Lake and some deep chanels under heavy willow growth and peaty ground...

- Radley Lakes Sunday (pm)
1 Goldeneye (frequently diving on Thrupp Lake between islands)c.350 Coot c.35 Gadwall1 Common Gullc.45 Mute Swan c.8 Pochardc.35 Shoveler c.66 Tealc.24 Tufted Duck c.100 Wigeon1 Chiffchaff 2 Red Kite ...

