Thrupp Lake, Radley

Thrupp Lake, Radley

Earth Trust Birdwatching walk around Thrupp Lake, Radley yielded 31 species in 2 hours. Green Sandpiper, small flocks of Redwing and Lapwing, displaying G.C. Grebes in winter plumage, singing Song Thrush, 3min Kingfisher and perhaps 6 Grey Heron and a personal County tick - Redpoll, probably being the main interest. No Goosander now, but wildfowl included: Wigeon, Mallard, Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall, Tufted, and Pochard. All birds getting increasingly tolerant of people including the gulls, Cormorants and waterfowl.
Collective observations by attending group with Ben Carpenter leading.

- Radley Lakes Sun. 13th March
2 Oystercatcher (Thrupp Lake) 1 Red-crested Pochard (female) (Thrupp Lake) 1 Goldeneye (female) (Thrupp Lake) 3 Green sandpiper (Lake G) 2 Redshank (Lake G) 45 Lapwing (Lake G) 2 Chiffchaff (Singing) 2 Treecreeper 7 Reed Bunting No sign of redhead Smew,...

- Radley Lakes Sat 5th March
1 Goldeneye- female (Thrupp Lake) 1 Smew- redhead (Thrupp Lake) 1 Redshank (Lake G) 3 Green Sandpiper (Lake G) 49 Lapwing (Lake G) 26 Cormorant 1 Common gull c. 10 Shoveler c. 10 Pochard c. 30 Teal c.80 Gadwall...

- Radley Lakes Sat. 12th Feb
1 red-head Smew (Thrupp Lake) 2 Green Sandpiper (Ash Pit/ Plover Pit) 4 Lapwing (Ash Pit/ Plover Pit) 36 Cormorant (Thrupp Lake) Plus Pochard, Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Wigeon, Teal and Shoveler...

- Radley Lakes Mon 6th Dec 2010 2.45-4.45pm
Raw is the word but not as bad as heading towards Farmoor where increasing hawfrost precipitated an about turn. At Radley, all water bodies frozen excepting about western fifth of Thrupp Lake and some deep chanels under heavy willow growth and peaty ground...

- Radley Lakes
Radley Lakes (c) Radley Village web-site KeyE: Thrupp LakeF: Bullfield Lake or "the fishing lake" G: The Ash PitL: Longmead Lake M: Orchard Lake Thrupp Lake is good for wintering waterfowl, including Smew occasionally & roosting gulls The Ash Pit...

