Otmoor 9th April

Otmoor 9th April

Ferruginous Duck (drake) still
Garganey (drake)
Sand Martin
Chiffchaff 4 singing

(per Jamie Coleman)

- Longmead Lake, Abingdon- 15th April
Garganey (drake) Cetti's Warbler- 1 singing (Longmead lake (SU512971) is private, but can be viewed from the adjoining cycle path by Barton Lane) No further sign of the drake Garganey by 18:45 on Longmead Lake, Plover Pit, or Orchard Lake. Cuckoo...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th April
Afternoon: 1 Common Tern, 1 Yellow Wagtail, 1 White Wagtail, 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 House Martin, 8 Swallow (peak count of birds passing through), 6 Sand Martin (peak count of birds passing through), 5 + Chiffchaff singing, 6 Tufted Duck (5 drakes), 30+ Redwing...

- Otmoor 31st March
Ferruginous Duck (drake) still from the 2nd screen & showing well 09:19 (per Bark featuring The Otmoor Massive) Barn Owl: N end of reed bed. Hen Harrier: ring-tail past 1st screen. Bittern 7 White-fronted Geese 3 Ruff 8 Redshank 3 Curlew 40 Dunlin...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 19th January
If you are not sat down, hold on to something - six seven duck species today! 1 Goldeneye (drake), 6 Shoveler (4 drakes), 2 Gadwall (1 drake), 1 Tufted Duck (drake), 5 Wigeon (2 drakes) and the ubiquitous Mallards. 10 Common Gulls, 1 Jay,...

- Standlake Pit 60 16th March
Sand Martin 12+ (two parties) Ruff 1 Redshank 3 Little Egret 2 Chiffchaff 2 (singing along track) Blackcap T3 Lake (pit adjacent to Pit 60) Sand Martin 8+ (per Jon Prowse)...

