Standlake Pit 60 16th March

Standlake Pit 60 16th March

Sand Martin 12+ (two parties)
Ruff 1
Redshank 3
Little Egret 2
Chiffchaff 2 (singing along track)

T3 Lake (pit adjacent to Pit 60)

Sand Martin 8+

(per Jon Prowse)

- Otmoor 14th April
Little Ringed Plover 2 Ruff Dunlin Grasshopper Warbler (Reedbed) Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Willow Warbler Chiffchaff Blackcap Swallow Sand Martin House Martin Sparrowhawk (per Barry Batchelor, Terry Tossell & RSPB Otmoor) ...

- Henley Road Gps: 16th March
16th March Henley Road GPs 3 Smew: 1m+2rh. 2 Goosander: 1m+1rh. Chiffchaff 3 Sand Martin Sonning Eye GPs Oystercatcher: Feeding on the rowing course bund. Marek Walford...

- Farmoor (8-10am)
Lapland Bunting - 1 Greenshank - 1 (heard only) Common Sand - 3 Yellow Wagtail - 2 Blackcap -1 Swallow - 10 House Martin - 30 Sand Martin - 2 Egyptian Goose - 1...

- Port Meadow 24th March
5 Dunlin 5 Ruff 5 Black-tailed Godwit 5 Little Ringed Plover 10 Redshank 1 Curlew 15 sand martin 4 chiffchaff Sydney Penner, Richard Foster & Gnome Photo of chiffchaff in blackthorn blossom (c) David Fearn...

- Sonning Eye And Henley Rd
16th March 5 smew (1 drake) 3 goosander 2 sand martin H Netley...

