Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th April

Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th April

1 Common Tern,
1 Yellow Wagtail,
1 White Wagtail,
2 Meadow Pipit,
1 House Martin,
8 Swallow (peak count of birds passing through),
6 Sand Martin (peak count of birds passing through),
5 + Chiffchaff singing,
6 Tufted Duck (5 drakes),
30+ Redwing - several singing.

Morning (per Mike Lewis):
7 Swallows,
3 Sand Martin,

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 14th April
2 Little Ringed Plover 18:00. 4 Common Sandpiper 18:00. (Mark Ribbons) Sedge Warbler 2 Yellow Wagtails (per JFT) 4 Common Sandpipers (later 5 per JFT) White Wagtail (per JFT) c.60 Sand Martin 1 House Martin and several Swallows (per Gareth) Grimsbury...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th April
Morning: 3 Willow Warblers (singing), 2 Common Sandpipers, Yellow Wagtail (over north), 2 White Wagtails, House Martin, 22+ Swallow (through north some lingering), 7+ Sand Martin (through north some lingering), 12 + Chiffchaff (9 singing), 11+ Meadow...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 12th April
Common Sandpiper, mixed flock of 25 Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin, 4 Chiffchaff. (per Alan Peters and Bill Foley) 2 Willow Warblers (singing), 2 Common Sandpipers, Wheatear (f), White Wagtail, a fall of 20 + Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs during...

- Farmoor 22nd April
Whimbrel  along causeway 09:30hrs. per Terry Sherlock, Dominic Norris and Dai. Common Sandpiper 3 CommonTern 8 Cuckoo 1 @ Pinkhill Blackcap 7 singing males Yellow Wagtail 4m incl tail-less individual White Wagtail 15+ Common Whitethroat 1m - Lower...

- Farmoor (8-10am)
Lapland Bunting - 1 Greenshank - 1 (heard only) Common Sand - 3 Yellow Wagtail - 2 Blackcap -1 Swallow - 10 House Martin - 30 Sand Martin - 2 Egyptian Goose - 1...

