Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th April

Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th April

3 Willow Warblers (singing),
2 Common Sandpipers,
Yellow Wagtail (over north),
2 White Wagtails,
House Martin,
22+ Swallow (through north some lingering),
7+ Sand Martin (through north some lingering),
12 + Chiffchaff (9 singing),
11+ Meadow Pipit (over north),
Skylark (over north),
2 Little Owls,
53 Common Gulls (in from the west, thermalled around several times and left high north east).

Little Ringed Plover at new pool along the canal - north of reservoir.

One of the White Wagtails - showing diagnostic pale grey rump
Evening (during light rain):
Wheatear (f),
3 possibly 4 White Wagtails,
20+ Chiffchaff 3+ Willow Warbler (mostly feeding on the ground),
c.40 mixed hirundines including 3 House Martin,
13 Linnet.

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 14th April
2 Little Ringed Plover 18:00. 4 Common Sandpiper 18:00. (Mark Ribbons) Sedge Warbler 2 Yellow Wagtails (per JFT) 4 Common Sandpipers (later 5 per JFT) White Wagtail (per JFT) c.60 Sand Martin 1 House Martin and several Swallows (per Gareth) Grimsbury...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 12th April
Common Sandpiper, mixed flock of 25 Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin, 4 Chiffchaff. (per Alan Peters and Bill Foley) 2 Willow Warblers (singing), 2 Common Sandpipers, Wheatear (f), White Wagtail, a fall of 20 + Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs during...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 03rd April
I've been away for a week so nice to see some signs of spring 'up north' 1 Little Ringed Plover (flew off north at c.11:30) is number 70 for the year list 1 White Wagtail with c.20 Pied Wags and 5 + Meadow Pipits 1 Reed Bunting singing 4 Tufted...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 5th May
Grimsbury Reservoir Arctic Tern: Through north. 18 Swift: Through north. 4 Yellow Wagtail: Individuals, over north. Common Sandpiper: and possibly a second or the same one on flooded fields north of the res. 12 Whitethroat Hobby: Over fields north...

- Goingbirding: 10th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 Sedge Warbler: m. singing. 2 by res along river and 1 along the canal. 2 Whitethroat: m. Singing. I scrub between the res and the wood. White Wagtail: m. Swallow 8 Sand Martin: Through north (5, 2 and 1). 5 Willow Warbler: m....

