Otmoor 28th Nov

Otmoor 28th Nov

Marsh harrier
Peregrine (m)
Many more ducks than recently (including about 20 shovelers) on view from north screen.
Golden Plover c2000
Lapwing c2000
Cetti's Warbler h 2nd scn
(per C.Whenman)
Yellowhammers (per J.Davies)
Mobile flocks of redwings, fieldfares and starlings all round the reserve.

(per Lyn & Richard Ebbs)

- Otmoor 3rd April
Marsh Harrier 2 Sand Martin 4 Cetti's Warbler (up to 3 birds calling on the 2nd) (per Lyn & Richard Ebbs) 1 Barn Owl (reported CP field) 200+ Golden Plover (in Sum Plum) 3 Pintail (Big Otmoor) 4 Snipe (Drumming). (per Stoneshank)...

- Otmoor.a.m. 12th December.
C. 2000 Golden Plover (west of the reserve) C. 1000 Lapwing (Big Otmoor) 1 Stonechat 1 Kingfisher 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Cettis Warbler (calling) per C.W. 1 Peregrine (per C.W.) 1 Pintail (Ashgrave) Lots of Wigeon feeding, (Big Otmoor)....

- Otmoor 19th September
Marsh Harrier being mobbed by corvids over Big Otmoor Whinchats m & 2f on visitor trail to first screenBittern flew over the bund between the reed beds from north to south then towards the ditch on the Greenaways side of the visitor trail (per Carolyn...

- Otmoor 5th January
White-fronted Geese 11 on Ashgrave with the Greylags Bittern 1st screen Golden Plover c1500 Lapwing c2000 Bearded Tit 2 1st screen Merlin Little Egret 11 Stonechat 4+  Otmoor Birding...

- Today At Otmoor
In the early spring sunshine, Otmoor has looked at its best today. The birds seemed to have responded too, with a lot of activity across the reserve. The majority of birds are still present on Big Otmoor, with 500 golden plover being accompanied by approximatly...

