Otmoor.A.M. 12th December.

Otmoor.A.M. 12th December.

C. 2000 Golden Plover (west of the reserve)
C. 1000 Lapwing (Big Otmoor)
1 Stonechat
1 Kingfisher
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Cettis Warbler (calling) per C.W.
1 Peregrine (per C.W.)
1 Pintail (Ashgrave)
Lots of Wigeon feeding, (Big Otmoor).

- Otmoor.a.m. 7th January.
1 Cetti's Warbler (calling, by the bridleway) 20 Snipe (Greenaways Scrape) 3 White-fronted Geese (Ashgrave,Noke end) 1 Ross's Goose (feral) 1 Peregrine (female, on Big Otmoor) 2 Stonechat (M&F, Greenaways) 1 Sparrowhawk (female, Otmoor Lane)....

- Otmoor.a.m. 2nd January.
1 Cettis Warbler (Bridleway per W.Bull.) 7+ Stonechat 1 Peregrine (Big Otmoor) 11+ Pintail (Big Otmoor) 1 Dunlin (Big Otmoor) Goldies and Lapwing in their hundreds. Woodcock - 2 across from Morleys to The Closes at 16.50 (per Steve Roby) 3 White-fronted...

- Otmoor.a.m. 18th December.
15+ Snipe (Reedbeds) C. 1000 Lapwing (Big Otmoor) 300+ Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 1 Pr Stonechat....

- Otmoor.a.m. 17th December.
1 Kingfisher (Reedbeds) 18 Snipe (Reedbeds) 1 Stonechat (Ashgrave) 1 Ross's Goose feral (Greenaways) C. 400 Lapwing (Big Otmoor) C. 550 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor)....

- Rspb Otmoor Webs (unofficial) 29th Oct.
Lapwing 587 (12 Closes, 75 Greenaways, 500 Ashgrave)Snipe 2 (1 Closes, 1 Ashgrave)Golden plover 14 (13 Big Otmoor, 1 Ashgrave)Redshank 2 (2 Closes) Greylag geese 158 (158 Closes)Canada geese 383 (2 Closes, 1 Flood, 380 Ashgrave)Moorhen 6 (3 Closes, 3...

