Otmoor 25th May

Otmoor 25th May

Quail (heard this morning on Ashgrave from hide)
Grasshopper Warbler (in car park field)

(per Clackers)

Further to previous posting a Turtle Dove
was seen and heard plus 5 or 6 Hobby flying
over Greenaways.

(per Paul Greenaway)


- Otmoor: 26th June
Otmoor Grasshopper Warbler: Reeling in Car Park field briefly @11am. 2 Quail: One calling on Greenaways throughout the day and seen briefly flying over small channel of water. Another heard on other side of bridleway. 2 Turtle Dove: Just two today,...

- Otmoor 13th June
Corncrake still calling from Greenaways 19:20 (per Clackers) still on Greenaways this morning at 5a.m (heard only) (per Dave Lowe) Still calling on Greenaways at 11:45 (heard only) (per Dave Daniells) Still calling about 100 yards west of the bench...

- Otmoor, 17th May, Silly O'clock To 10:00
We have just completed an early morning survey on the reserve, and have had a few interesting sightings, on a lovely spring morning. A turtle dove was feeding on seed around the Greenaways cattle pen. There were at least two cuckoo's heard one along...

- Otmoor 14th May
Quail (calling from the Closes and heard along the bridleway this morning) 2 Grey Partridge (reported) Garganey (D) 3 Curlew 2 Dunlin Hobby 4 Little Egret 3 Cuckoo Turtle Dove Complete weekend round up at http://www.surfbirds.com/blog/OtmoorBirding...

- Otmoor 10th April
Marsh Harrier Female seen flying over the reedbed before flying off high S/E at around 10:30 Wayne Bull Lesser Whitethroat singing from near the car park Whitethroat Grasshopper Warbler Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Cuckoo Yellow Wag (per Pete) 3 Garganey...

