Otmoor: 26th June

Otmoor: 26th June

Grasshopper Warbler: Reeling in Car Park field briefly @11am.
2 Quail: One calling on Greenaways throughout the day and seen briefly flying over small channel of water. Another heard on other side of bridleway.
2 Turtle Dove: Just two today, on show for much of the afternoon mainly in trees south of bridle path but also visiting cattle pens.

Alex Berryman

- Otmoor 14th May
Glossy Ibis still on Closes 18:28 (per Andy Last) 1 Black-tailed Godwit 2 Oystercatcher 2 Curlew (per Peter Coombes) 12 Little Egret 2 Turtle Dove 7 Hobby. Raven (per Peter Coombes) Cuckoo courtesey of Nick Truby Peregrine  (John Gough) Quail Heard...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 8th May
Turtle Dove: Heard purring along bridle way near rifle range end. Grasshopper Warbler: Heard reeling over car park field. 3 Redshank: One on Ashgrave, 2 on scrape on green ways. Curlew: Over Greenways.  Mark Ribbons...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 1st June
1st June Otmoor: RSPB reserve 2 Turtle Dove: In trees along main path to hide, plus one purring near car park. 2 Cuckoo: At least two: calling regularly. Grasshopper Warbler: In reedbed: from path to second screen. Steve Goddard...

- Otmoor: 2nd June
Otmoor Cetti's Warbler: heard calling from Northern edge of Greenaways. Common Tern & Curlew over reedbed, Grasshopper Warbler reeling in carpark field. Yesterday (1/6/11) Turtle Dove, Water Rail, 4 Hobbies, LRP. Joe Harris ...

- Otmoor, 17th May, Silly O'clock To 10:00
We have just completed an early morning survey on the reserve, and have had a few interesting sightings, on a lovely spring morning. A turtle dove was feeding on seed around the Greenaways cattle pen. There were at least two cuckoo's heard one along...

