Otmoor 21st June

Otmoor 21st June

Quail heard calling near eastern edge of Ashgrave c09:50 (per Paul Greenaway)
Still calling from eastern side of The Closes heard from the main track nr the c/p field
at 16:50 (Badger)

Turtle Dove 3+ nr cattle pens
Hobby 2

- Otmoor April 21st Am
2 Common Cranes over reserve - Seen dropping over hedge around the flood field area 1pm 5 Ruff - Noke Sides, 2 on Big Otmoor 5 Little Egret 2 Cettis Warblers  - Calling towards second screen and near cattle pens 1 Grasshopper Warbler - heard calling...

- Otmoor.a.m. 10th July.
 3+2 (J) Turtle Dove 2 Quail 1 Sparrow-Hawk (F) 1 Curlew (calling) 1 Marsh Harrier (F) 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Raven. Juv Turtle Dove Otmoor (c) Paul Greenaway.  More about the juvenile Turtle Doves on Joe's fantastic RSPB Otmoor Blog...

- Otmoor: 26th June
Otmoor Grasshopper Warbler: Reeling in Car Park field briefly @11am. 2 Quail: One calling on Greenaways throughout the day and seen briefly flying over small channel of water. Another heard on other side of bridleway. 2 Turtle Dove: Just two today,...

- Otmoor 13th June
Corncrake still calling from Greenaways 19:20 (per Clackers) still on Greenaways this morning at 5a.m (heard only) (per Dave Lowe) Still calling on Greenaways at 11:45 (heard only) (per Dave Daniells) Still calling about 100 yards west of the bench...

- Otmoor 25th May

