Otmoor 12th July

Otmoor 12th July

Marsh Harrier over the reedbed late afternoon.
also 2 green sandpipers

(per Terry Tossell)

Kestrel 2
Sprawk 1 (m)
Redshank 8

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 29th October
Otmoor Kestrel courtesy of John Reynolds Marsh Harrier Sparrowhawk: Hunting over reedbed. 100 Pied Wagtail: Flying into reedbed to roost. Swallow: Flew into reedbed. RSPB Otmoor...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 30th September
2 Stonechat Whinchat Wheatear Kingfisher Hobby (RSPB Otmoor & Terry Tossell)...

- Otmoor 16th September
Evening: Bittern Marsh Harrier  juvenile; unsuccessfully hunting around the starling roost Hobby (per Pete Roby) 5 whinchats on track to 1st screen 1 marsh harrier 2 hobbies 1 Sparrowhawk 1 buzzard 1 kingfisher 1 water rail heard from hide 2 ravens...

- Otmoor: 23rd July
Marsh Harrier: Viewed from 1st Screen flying from Greenways into Reedbed. Glossy Ibis: Flew over top of 1st screen from Reedbed to Big Otmoor. Hobby 2 Little Egret 6 2 Turtle Dove: Viewed on telegraph pole & wires along the closes. Mark Ribbons...

- Otmoor 1st September
Marsh Harrier (fem) flew over the Northern phase of the reedbed. Also 10 Buzzards and 6 Red Kites soaring together, 4 Kestrel and 5+ Hobbies so a good day for raptors. 2 Whinchat near hide & 2 Green Sandpiper in reedbed. Joe Harris ...

