Otmoor 11th Sept

Otmoor 11th Sept

Long Meadow
4 - 6 Redstarts
6+ Lesser Whitethroat
3 Whitethroat
2 Blackcap
1 Marsh Tit

On Reserve
3+ Yellow Wags fly over
1 Green Sand - fly over
1 Kingfisher
1 Hobby
1 Gropper
report of Redshank from 1st screen probably Spot Red.

- Otmoor 28th August
Green Sandpiper Water Rail Kingfisher Spotted Flycatcher x 5 Marsh Harrier Hobby x 3 Snipe c20 Clackers/ Phil Brown 4+ Redstart 5+ Lesser Whitethroat 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Raven (over). (per Paul Greenaway) Raven Hobby Yellow Wagtail 5 (M.Hunt)...

- Otmoor 8th September
little grebe - 1 (1st screen)cormorant - 2 little egret - 2 (1st screen)pochard - 1 (2nd screen)gadwall - 6+ (2nd screen)wigeon - 2 (2nd screen)teals (1st screen)hobby - 2green sand - 2 (1st screen)greenshank - at least 1 (1st screen)kingfisher - 1 (1st...

- Rushy Common 16th July
2 Little Egret Oystercatcher Whitethroat Lesser Whitethroat Blackcap Yellowhammer Sand Martin (per Keith Clack) + 2 Hobby p.m (Badger)...

- Otmoor Sunday 5th September
Spotted Redshank - (J Coppock) from 1st Screen. Redstart (Male and Female) Long Meadow. Yellow Wagtail 10+ Long Meadow. Lesser Whitethroat 10+ Long Meadow....

- Otmoor Sept 4th
Long Meadow 5 Redstart 6 Lesser Whitethroat 2 Willow Warbler 3 Blackcap 1 Whitethroat 1 Chiff Chaff 4 Buzzard 4 Red Kite 1 Yellowhammer...

