Rushy Common 16th July

Rushy Common 16th July

2 Little Egret
Lesser Whitethroat
Sand Martin

(per Keith Clack)

+ 2 Hobby p.m (Badger)

- Lollingdon Hill, 19th Aug
7 Wheatear, 1 Whinchat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Common Redstart, 2 Common Whitethroat, 4 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, 127 House Martin and 39 Swallow south overhead just before rain hit....

- Goingbirding: 2nd May
Otmoor Bar-tailed Godwit: Feeding in front of Wetlands Watch hide. Also present; Swifts, House Martin, Sand Martin, Hobby, Lesser Whitethroat, Redshank, Whitethroat, Reed & Sedge Warblers, Little Egret and lots of happy Lapwings. Joe Harris ...

- Standlake, 29 April
Bar-tailed Godwit 1 (18 thru early am per DAD) Hobby 1 LR Plover 4 Redshank 2 Oystercatcher 2 Common Sand 2 Little Egret 1 RC Pochard 1 Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat etc....

- West Oxon Gps 2nd Feb
Slavonian Grebe still at Witney Lake +Little Egret Smew (redhead) at Rushy Common 28 Reed Bunting 7 Yellowhammer 84 Linnet 7 Red-crested Pochard on Pit 10 Standlake Common +4 Lesser Redpoll (per Keith Clack)...

- Otmoor 11th Sept
Long Meadow 4 - 6 Redstarts 6+ Lesser Whitethroat 3 Whitethroat 2 Blackcap 1 Marsh Tit On Reserve 3+ Yellow Wags fly over 1 Green Sand - fly over 1 Kingfisher 1 Hobby 1 Gropper report of Redshank from 1st screen probably Spot Red....

