Otmoor (7-10am)

Otmoor (7-10am)

Bearded Tit - 7 - northern reedbed, later in flight from first screen area - mobile but at least 2 still present at 9am.
Green Sand - 1
Kingfisher - 1
Merlin - 1 (prob 2) females

Many thanks to Peter Barker and Wayne Bull for help locating the Beardies.

- Otmoor Sat 4th October Before It Rained
Bittern flight from reedbed to ditch beside trail 150+ Mallard Wigeon Cettis heard second screen Kingfishers 2 Skylarks 6+ Mipits 20+ The Otmoor Bittern courtesy of Tim Clark....

- Otmoor Sunday 21st October
1+ Bearded Tit still at Otmoor in northern reed bed at around 10am then again briefly c1pm (per Andy Last) Golden Plover c200 nr Pill Sparrowhawk m Redpoll c15 Brambling Siskin 2 over Stonechat 1m Redwing small flock early am Fieldfare small group early...

- Otmoor 11th August
Black-wit in flight courtesy of Pat 2 Black-tailed Godwit: 2nd screen. Green Sandpiper: 1st screen. 3 Greenshank: 1) 1st screen, 1) 2nd screen, 1) Ashgrave. 40 Snipe: At least 40. Thirty in one flock flying to 1st screen. several smaller flocks...

- Now There Are Three...
photo (c) Wayne Bull 3 Waxwings present opposite the church hall on the Botley Rd at 10.30 SteveAll 3 Still present at 11:45 (per Wayne Bull)3 Still present at 14:20 (per Nic Hallam) ...

- Otmoor 26th October
The Bearded Tits were still present yesterday, though only heard calling from the centre of the reedbed by Gareth Luscombe and our Tuesday volunteer team. Also on the reserve are: 150 Wigeon - hide 200 Lapwing - hide 1 Green Sandpiper - Greenaways 200+...

