Now there are three...

photo (c) Wayne Bull
3 Waxwings present opposite the church hall on the Botley Rd at 10.30
All 3 Still present at 11:45 (per Wayne Bull)
3 Still present at 14:20 (per Nic Hallam)
Churn 28th July
Courtesy of Wayne BullRed-backed Shrike still present c13:15 near abandoned field study centre. Do not block access road park near railway bridge and walk. (per Tezzer & Wayne Bull)...
Farmoor 19th November
Red-necked Grebe F2 Common Sandpiper Redshank 3 (per Wayne Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog...
Otmoor 3rd March
Hen Harrier 2 (m & ringtail) Bittern Barn Owl (per Wayne Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog...
Waxwings 13th January
c80 Waxwings Alexander Close Abingdon 09.30-10.20a.m Birds were landing in the road and drinking from the puddles. (Badger then Wayne Bull) 3+Waxwings Banbury on bank near flyover at 11a.m (per R.B.A) 7 Waxwings Sandford-on-Thames (per N.J.H) C. 25+ Waxwings,...
Botley Waxwings 4th Dec
Photo (c) Wayne Bull Still 3 at 14:20 (Badger) Still at least 2 Waxwings Botley road near Barclays Bank this morning at 08:44 (per Paul Wren) ...