Otmoor: 4th May

Otmoor: 4th May

Cuckoo - Nick Truby
2 Crane: 10:00 and again in flight  10:30.
Garganey: drk. On Big Otmoor. 12:25.
2 Little Egret: Over Ashgrave. 12:25.
8 Hobby: At first screen. 11:00.
Grasshopper Warbler 10:00.
Little Ringed Plover 10:00.

Cuckoo 2
Lesser Whitehthroat 3
Ringed Plover 4-Big otmoor
Dunlin-big otmoor
Oystercatcher-big otmoor
Ruff 2-noke sides
Common Tern
Grasshopper warbler-path to 1st screen
Hobby 8
Cetti’s warbler-path to 2nd screen
Bullfinch-male, bridleway
Snipe 5-drumming greenaways
Swift 50+

Ian Elkins, D Moden , Nick Truby

- Otmoor 27th June
Bittern seen in flight from the first screen this morning (per Jim Hutchins) Again from the second screen at 11:35 (per Nick Truby) Marsh Harrier 2 from the Wetlands Watch Hide this morning Turtle Dove 2+ Cuckoo c3 Grasshopper Warbler Spotted Flycatcher...

- Otmoor April 21st Am
2 Common Cranes over reserve - Seen dropping over hedge around the flood field area 1pm 5 Ruff - Noke Sides, 2 on Big Otmoor 5 Little Egret 2 Cettis Warblers  - Calling towards second screen and near cattle pens 1 Grasshopper Warbler - heard calling...

- Otmoor: Pill Ground: 23rd April
Otmoor: Pill Ground 7 Grasshopper Warbler Joe Harris Otmoor Cuckoo (c) Nick Truby...

- Otmoor 25th April
Garden Warbler 1m singing in blackthorns by car park and then flew off towards Roman Way Grasshopper Warbler 3m reeling in car park field Cuckoo 1 Redstart: male. Along the path to the 1st screen. Raven 3 Wheatear Hobby: Ashgrave. Ewan Urquhart...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 21st April
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Grasshopper Warbler: Showing well from gate halfway up car park field. Whinchat: Path to first screen at 07:30. Marsh Harrier: fem. Hunting over reedbed 07:00-45. Nick Truby...

