Otmoor 27th June

Otmoor 27th June

Bittern seen in flight from the first screen this morning (per Jim Hutchins)
Again from the second screen at 11:35 (per Nick Truby)

Marsh Harrier 2 from the Wetlands Watch Hide this morning
Turtle Dove 2+
Cuckoo c3
Grasshopper Warbler
Spotted Flycatcher

(per Bark) Otmoor Birding

Reed Warbler courtesy of Jim Hutchins

- Otmoor Rspb 21st February
Marsh Harrier 2 Peregrine 2 Curlew Golden Plover c3000 Pintail 30+ Stock Dove 19 Brambling 2 still yesterday from Wetlands Watch Hide (per The Otmoor Massive featuring Bark) Weekend highlights this week on Otmoor Birding Mute Swan courtship courtesy...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 16th July
Bittern this morning 1st screen then again in flight 18:20 & 19:30 Sparrowhawk Ruff 2 Ashgrave Dunlin Ashgrave Green Sandpiper Ashgrave Lapwing c100 Ashgrave (Badger, Andy Last, Tezzer and Graham Coleman) Ruff courtesy of BadgerGreenshank Ashgrave....

- Otmoor Rspb 4th July
Sedge Warbler courtesy of Jim HutchinsCommon Crane 2 Marsh Harrier Hobby Sparrowhawk Turtle Dove c2 Grasshopper Warbler (heard only) Cetti's Warbler 2 Spotted Flycatcher 2 Snipe 4 (dumming Green SandpiperLittle Egret 6Common Tern 4 (per Jim Hutchins,...

- Otmoor: 30th May
Little Egret courtesy of Jim Hutchins Marsh Harrier 2 Black-tailed Godwit Ringed Plover 7 (Big Otmoor) Raven 4 Cuckoo 2 Turtle Dove 2 Little Egret 6+ Cetti's Warbler (Jim Hutchins, Bark & Badger)...

- Otmoor: 16th April
5 Chiffchaff Reed Warbler 2 Sedge Warbler 12 Willow Warbler 2 Whitethroat 2 House Martin 25 Swallow 6 Sand Martin 2 Water Rail Dunlin 3 Curlew 15 Redshank 3 Snipe: Drumming over Greenaways (over bridleway). Peter Coombes Willow Warbler Otmoor (c) Bark...

