Otmoor 25th April

Otmoor 25th April

Garden Warbler 1m singing in blackthorns by car park and then flew off towards Roman Way
Grasshopper Warbler 3m reeling in car park field
Cuckoo 1

Redstart: male. Along the path to the 1st screen.
3 Wheatear
Hobby: Ashgrave.

Ewan Urquhart & Peter Coombes

 Redstart  (c) Peter Coombes

- Otmoor: 29th April
29th April Otmoor Grasshopper Warbler: heard from Roman Road reeling in car park field. 15:30. 6 Whinchat: from path to first screen. 16:45. Tawny Owl: calling from MoD land. 17:20. Peter Law...

- Otmoor 14th June
3 Turtle Dove: 2 along bridleway and one along Roman road. Bearded Tit (juv) between 1st and 2nd screens. 3 Lesser Whitethroat 2 Grasshopper Warbler Singing, Carpark field. Curlew 12 Little Egret: In field behind 2nd screen. 5 Grey Heron: In field behind...

- Otmoor 12th May
Marsh Harrier 2 f & imm f (per Peter Coombes) Hobby 4 Curlew Lesser Whitethroat 2+ Garden Warbler Gropper at least one reeling in the c/p field Cuckoo (h) Yellow Wagtail Garganey 2 (1 drake) from 1st screen 14:30 (per RBA) Ruff (per Brian Wyatt) Reed...

- Otmoor 15th July
female Redstart (c) Badger 3 Redstart: 1m/2f (et al) Black-tailed Godwit: Flying (Big Otmoor). Cuckoo: juv. Being fed by Reed warblers in reeds in front of first screen. Grasshopper Warbler (Peter Coombes) Otmoor Birding Purple Emperor Bernwood...

- Otmoor: 24th April
Otmoor White-fronted Goose: Ashgrave. 4 Curlew 2 Grasshopper Warbler: One calling close to car park in car park field and another between first and second screen. Peter Coombes...

