Langford: 23rd June

Langford: 23rd June

2 Spotted Flycatcher: pair nesting in village garden.

Richard Catling

- Upton House: 24th June
Upton House 4 Spotted Flycatcher: Two pairs seen by a visitor. One pair on the top terrace in the garden, the other pair close to the restaurant. Graeme Porter...

- Upton House: 20th May
Upton House 4 Spotted Flycatcher: Two pairs on site - first pair close to the Reception hut, look to be building a nest in an ivy covered tree - have been in and out with nesting material. Second pair in the Wild Garden. If visiting remember it is National...

- Waxwings 7th December
16 Waxwing Piddington (Michael Hunt) 20 Waxwing  Bicester Langford Village (see comments)...

- Common Crane 1st July
Common Crane yesterday c5mls NNW of Faringdon flew south east over Langford at 9.20am. (per RBA)...

- Badbury Wood & Buscot: 26th June
4 Marsh Tit, family party 2 Grey Wagtail, pair feeding young 1 Turtle Dove, purring 2 Spotted Flycatcher, pair at nest...

