Waxwings 7th December

Waxwings 7th December

16 Waxwing Piddington (Michael Hunt)
20 Waxwing  Bicester Langford Village (see comments)

- North Newington 12th January
9 Waxwing North Newington feeding on Sorbus berries per mr & mrs Tapper. Michael Hunt...

- Bicester 30th November
Bicester Waxwings (c) Derek Woodard with thanks to Alan Peters.12 Waxwing Perched in silver birch trees along Bure Park nature walk by Purslane Drive at 14:00 (Nick Truby) 22 Waxwing Rowan Road Bicester tho mobile....

- Waxwings 1st April
50-60 Waxwings in Shakespeare Drive Bicester 4:20p.m (per Dave Doherty) Single Waxwing seen at Oxford and Cherwell Valley College. 2pm. (per Chris Hyde Oxonbirds) 19 Waxwing Still near school entrance in Franklin Rd and along avenue of trees (Max 48 on...

- Waxwings 5th Feb
1 Waxwing Cumnor by the Vine Inn c 07.50 (per The Wickster) 30 Waxwing Abingdon near the 'One stop shop' Wooton Road at 08a.m (per B.B) 30+ still 2p.m (per Steve see comments) 30 Waxwing Southmoor: on Lime Grove at 08.45a.m (per John Melling Oxonbirds)...

- Waxwings In Wallingford 14th Dec
10 Waxwings in Waitrose car park at 13:50 (per R.B.A) See Comments and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Oxonbirds/ 2 Waxwings Cholsey (per R.B.A) more info & photos at the supurb... http://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/ 11 Waxwings Bodicote still 1 Waxwing...

