Holton 28th April

Holton 28th April

Cuckoo reported at Holton near Wheatley today

- Wheatley: 17th May
Wheatley Cuckoo: Heard from garden, on Ladder Hill. SP5905. 10:30. Chris D'Agorne...

- Wendlebury Meads: 28th April
28th April Wendlebury Meads 2 Curlew: Pair of birds mobbing passing carrion crows. 2 Ruddy Shelduck: At a farm pond not far from the main farmhouse, but clearly free-winged. Tom Evans...

- Otmoor 22nd August
Ringtail Harrier reported on RSPB Otmoor today....

- Belated Spoonbill
Received a belated report today of a Spoonbill, present last Saturday (28th May) on the small pools to the west of Mackney Lane, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell. No sign since....

- Weekend Bird Pics
Sedge Warbler,Otmoor 17th April Lapwing,Otmoor 17th April Grasshopper Warbler,Sydlings Copse 16th April Photo's (c) W.P.Bull...

