Grimsbury Reservoir 11th October

Grimsbury Reservoir 11th October

Ring-necked Parakeet (h) near canal (per Gareth)

Grimsbury Birds

- Grimsbury Res 25th Aug
Osprey flew south over the reservoir this morning Greenshank through Spotted Flycatcher 3 Ring-necked Parakeet (per John Friendship-Taylor) Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 19th July
Ring-necked Parakeet, over west (per Adrian Tysoe) Also in the evening going south towards town. Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 16th June
Grimsbury Reservoir Reed Warbler: m. Singing along the canal. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th December
Grimsbury Reservoir Coot: Uncommon here - new for the year. Only the second one I have ever recorded here, I've seen more Med gulls!. Willow Tit: In the woodland, near to the canal. Gareth Blockley...

- Banbury: 13th October
13th October Banbury Redwing: A few calls heard going over in c. 5 mins from my flat. 14th October Grimsbury Reservoir Hawfinch Over north west. Picked up on call (3 pzik calls) then seen very well from underneath as it passed overhead and could see...

