Grimsbury Reservoir: 16th June

Grimsbury Reservoir: 16th June

Grimsbury Reservoir
Reed Warbler: m. Singing along the canal.

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 23rd April
Grimsbury Reservoir Reed Warbler: Male singing from scrub by the river, near the car park. Quite a rare bird for here, found by JFT. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 12th April
Grimsbury Reservoir Sedge Warbler: m. Upper Cherwell Valley Common Sandpiper: Along canal. 3 Sedge Warbler: m. Along canal. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 5th May
Grimsbury Reservoir Arctic Tern: Through north. 18 Swift: Through north. 4 Yellow Wagtail: Individuals, over north. Common Sandpiper: and possibly a second or the same one on flooded fields north of the res. 12 Whitethroat Hobby: Over fields north...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 27th April
Grimsbury Reservoir Turnstone 3 Common Sandpiper 5 Swift 2 Whitethroat: m. singing. 5 Willow Warbler: m. singing. White Wagtail Lesser Whitethroat: m. singing. Gareth Blockley...

- Goingbirding: 8th April
Grimsbury Reservoir Whitethroat: m. singing. Sedge Warbler: m. Singing. Lesser Redpoll: Singing/buzzing type call as it flew over. 3 Willow Warbler: m. Singing. None yesterday. Gareth Blockley ...

