Banbury: 13th October

Banbury: 13th October

13th October

Redwing: A few calls heard going over in c. 5 mins from my flat.

14th October

Grimsbury Reservoir

Hawfinch Over north west. Picked up on call (3 pzik calls) then seen very well from underneath as it passed overhead and could see the broad white wing bars.

Gareth Blockley

- Cothill: Hitchcopse Pit: 13th April
13th April Cothill: Hitchcopse Pit 15 Common Crossbill: South end of pit. 2 overhead picked up by flight calls, landed in nearby (c.50M) shrub. Bins revealed 5 birds, including brick-red male. Whilst clumsily mating camera to 'scope a dog walker flushed...

- Old News
I've just heard about the presence of a Yellow-browed Warbler in a garden on Five Mile Drive, North Oxford on 3rd October. It's probably long gone but might just be worth a look and listen around the area. There was also a Hoopoe in a North Abingdon...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th November
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit: Not very vocal - 2 calls in 10 mins, could easily be missed. In the wood along the path on western side of the wood (canal side). Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 17th October
17th October Grimsbury Reservoir Mandarin Duck: Drake coming out of eclipse. This must be the duck I have seen a couple of times leaving with the Mallards early morning, both times in near darkness and only in flight. Based on size and it being dark above...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 31st August
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit: Along the river near to the wood. 3 Yellow Wagtail: 2 at the reservoir and 1 flew over. Ringed Plover: Flew over. Calls heard but not seen. Gareth Blockley...

