Grimsbury Reservoir: 27th August

Grimsbury Reservoir: 27th August

13 Sand Martin (through in morning)

3 Spotted Flycatchers (lunchtime, per JFT)

2+ Yellow-legged Gulls
Greenshank (over)
Green Sandpiper (over)
Common Sandpiper
8 Swift

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 14th April
2 Little Ringed Plover 18:00. 4 Common Sandpiper 18:00. (Mark Ribbons) Sedge Warbler 2 Yellow Wagtails (per JFT) 4 Common Sandpipers (later 5 per JFT) White Wagtail (per JFT) c.60 Sand Martin 1 House Martin and several Swallows (per Gareth) Grimsbury...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 7th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Mediterranean Gull: Juvenile briefly at c.19:30. A different bird to this morning with less advanced moult/new scapulars. 3 Common Sandpiper 3 Swift Upper Cherwell Valley Spotted Flycatcher Snipe Gareth Blockley...

- Farmoor Res 17th April
Arctic Tern 1 (Nic Hallam) Spotted Redshank a.m only (per Dai) Common Tern 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Yellow Wagtail 5+ all males Swallow 3 Sand Martin 1 Swift evening (Stephen Collier) Swift photo courtesey of Stephen Collier Spotted Redshank courtesey...

- Otmoor.a.m. 12th September.
1 Redstart (MJ) Bridleway 1 Whinchat 3 Wheatear 1 Kingfisher 5 Green Sandpiper 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Curlew (over) Evening 12 Green Sandpiper   2 Common Sandpiper   1 Greenshank   1 Dunlin   1 Curlew 16 Wigeon 30 Teal 20 Shoveler 15...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 26th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Common Sandpiper Little Ringed Plover: juv. Willow Tit: in wood with roving tit flock. Spotted Flycatcher: in wood with roving tit flock. Green Sandpiper: on newly created pool along the canal. Yellow-legged Gull: juv. on newly...

