Grimsbury Reservoir: 26th August

Grimsbury Reservoir: 26th August

Grimsbury Reservoir
Common Sandpiper
Little Ringed Plover: juv.
Willow Tit: in wood with roving tit flock.
Spotted Flycatcher: in wood with roving tit flock.
Green Sandpiper: on newly created pool along the canal.
Yellow-legged Gull: juv. on newly created pool along the canal.

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 30th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Wheatear Common Sandpiper 3 Yellow Wagtail: 2 over south and 1 around cattle. Little Owl Spotted Flycatcher: 1 possibly 2 in the wood with tit flock. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th April
Lesser Whitethroat - male along canal in scrub around canal overflow channel 4 Common Whitethroat - 3 males 3 Sedge Warbler - males 2 Wheatear - pair at new pool along canal (later 3 there Clive Payne) 2 Common Sandpipers - new pool along canal (Clive...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 27th May
Grimsbury Reservoir 5 Little Egret: Flew from the pool created from the flood alleviation work just north of the reservoir (per Clive P). Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir 4th September
Further to Gareth's post Badger and myself checked out the roving tit flock between 1000-1200. We heard the Willow Tit call once early on but did not see it and later we also saw and heard a Marsh Tit in the roving flock. The flock is quite large...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit: This one bird seems to be regular at the moment and could be a target to some of you in the county. It is not very local but all three sightings this week it was with a large roving tit flock that is mailny Long-tailed...

