Grimsbury Reservoir: 30th August

Grimsbury Reservoir: 30th August

Grimsbury Reservoir
Common Sandpiper
3 Yellow Wagtail: 2 over south and 1 around cattle.
Little Owl
Spotted Flycatcher: 1 possibly 2 in the wood with tit flock.

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 2nd September
Grimsbury Reservoir Wheatear: fem/imm. Spotted Flycatcher: In large hedge through cattle field. 5 Yellow Wagtail: 3 with cattle and 2 over south. 3 Meadow Pipit: 3 over south. Black-headed Gull: One bird ringed in Denmark. A white ring on right leg...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 26th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Common Sandpiper Little Ringed Plover: juv. Willow Tit: in wood with roving tit flock. Spotted Flycatcher: in wood with roving tit flock. Green Sandpiper: on newly created pool along the canal. Yellow-legged Gull: juv. on newly...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 14th February
Grimsbury Reservoir Merlin: Through over cattle fields soon after first light and away over town south. Species number 57 at the reservoir for the year. Willow Tit: In the wood with tit flock. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Raven Ringed Plover Common Sandpiper 4 Yellow Wagtail: 2 + 2 over. Spotted Flycatcher 2 Siskin Gareth Blockley...

- Goingbirding: 7th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 Common Sandpiper Only untill c. 07:55 but didn't see them leave. White Wagtail: m. Wheatear: m. 6 Chiffchaff: m. Singing. Only at reservoir, not including wood or surrounds. 5 Blackcap: m. Singing. Only at reservoir not in...

