GoingBirding: 27th March

GoingBirding: 27th March

Oxey Mead
Goosander: fem.
Barnacle Goose: With Canada Geese - presumably feral.

James Grundy

- Blenheim: Queen Pool: 5th July
1 Common Sandpiper 1 Raven 3 Bar-headed Goose (feral) 8 White-fronted Goose (feral) There are 8 white-fronted type geese in the flock of canada geese. There is quite a colour variation from light to dark. 08:00 (per Bob Pomfret)...

- Otmoor 7th June
Marsh Harrier 2 Hobby 3+ Ringed Plover (Big Otmoor) Curlew 2 Common Tern Cuckoo c3 Turtle Dove 2+ Garden Warbler 3+ Lesser Whitethroat 3 Barnacle Goose (feral) (Big Otmoor) Ross's Goose (feral) Bar-headed Goose 2 (feral) (Otmoor massive) Full weekend...

- Otmoor 6th June
Marsh Harrier 2 Hobby 2 Shelduck 2 Black-tailed Godwit Barnacle Goose (feral) Bar-headed Geese 2 (feral) Turtle Dove 2+ Spotted Flycatcher (per Bark)...

- Port Meadow 12th March
2 Avocet: Standing on ice and occasionally venturing into water to feed. 3 Redshank Several Dunlin Curlew (h) Also  11th March Oxey Mead 5 Goosander: 3m, 2f.  Steve Goddard, Gnome, Badger, Two Eyes & Andy Last Video (c) Badger...

- Port Meadow 20th March
Port Meadow Dunlin 2 Little Ringed Plover 11 Redshank Sydney Penner Port Meadow 3 Dunlin 8 Redshank 20th March Oxey Mead 2 Green Sandpiper James Grundy...

