Otmoor 6th June

Otmoor 6th June

Marsh Harrier 2
Hobby 2
Shelduck 2
Black-tailed Godwit
Barnacle Goose (feral)
Bar-headed Geese 2 (feral)
Turtle Dove 2+
Spotted Flycatcher

(per Bark)

- Blenheim: Queen Pool: 5th July
1 Common Sandpiper 1 Raven 3 Bar-headed Goose (feral) 8 White-fronted Goose (feral) There are 8 white-fronted type geese in the flock of canada geese. There is quite a colour variation from light to dark. 08:00 (per Bob Pomfret)...

- Otmoor 28th June
Marsh Harrier Hobby Turtle Dove 2 Spotted Flycatcher 2...

- Otmoor: 2nd May
AM: 2 Common Cranes (per Bark et al) PM: 8+ Hobby 30+ Swift 3+ Cuckoo Garganey (drake) - Big Otmoor 2 Ruff - Big Otmoor Oystercatcher - Big Otmoor 3 Little Ringed Plovers 2 Little Egret 2 Water Rail Cetti's Warbler - 2nd Screen 2+ Yellow Wagtail...

- Otmoor 15th March.
1 Marsh Harrier (Greenaways) 2 Peregrine (Roaming) M/F. 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Curlew (Greenaways) 35+ Redshank 20+ Dunlin (17 on scrapes between screens) 1 Oystercatcher (Ashgrave) C.100 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 20+ Snipe 1 Shelduck (Ashgrave) 15+ Pintail...

- Otmoor: Long Meadow: 3rd September
Otmoor: Long Meadow 6 Redstart Whinchat 3 Spotted Flycatcher Pintail 1st Screen by Badger Otmoor: RSPB reserve 3+ Marsh Harrier Bittern Greenshank 5 Black-tailed Godwit 3 Green Sandpiper 4 Hobby Sparrowhawk m Pintail Water Rail h c75 Yellow Wagtail 2...

