GoingBirding: 20th March

GoingBirding: 20th March

20th March

Port Meadow
3 Dunlin
8 Redshank

20th March

Oxey Mead
2 Green Sandpiper
6 Goosander: 2 male, 4 fem.

James Grundy

- Port Meadow 12th March
2 Avocet: Standing on ice and occasionally venturing into water to feed. 3 Redshank Several Dunlin Curlew (h) Also  11th March Oxey Mead 5 Goosander: 3m, 2f.  Steve Goddard, Gnome, Badger, Two Eyes & Andy Last Video (c) Badger...

- Goingbirding: 27th March
Oxey Mead Goosander: fem. Barnacle Goose: With Canada Geese - presumably feral. James Grundy ...

- Goingbirding: 20th March
20th March Banbury Peregrine: Flew over south. 20th March Balscote: Balscote Quarry Red Kite: Flew over high north east (not so common up here!). Grimsbury Reservoir Brambling: Heard flying over. Probable heard this morning but wasn't sure, hearing...

- Goingbirding: 14th March
14th March Port Meadow 6 Redshank 2 Dunlin 14th March Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 2 Chiffchaff Richard Foster ...

- Goingbirding: 20th February
20th February Chipping Norton OTHER SPECIES: Oriental Turtle Dove ssp. orientalis showed briefly on The Leys at 8.30am before being flushed by birders. It was later relocated on Lords Piece Road and showed well around 10.00am. James Grundy...

