Garsington 23rd May

Garsington 23rd May

Cuckoo: calling in fields between Oxford Rd and B480.
Grey Partridge: in lane from B480 to Toot Baldon.

Peter Law

Cuckoo (c) Terry Sherlock

- Garsington 14th June
Raven near Lower Farm on B480 (per Peter Law) Lewknor Turtle Dove 2 (per R.Broughton Oxonbirds) ...

- Marsh Baldon: 4th May
Marsh Baldon Cuckoo: calling near Baldon House. Peter Law...

- Goingbirding: 23rd May
Garsington: Kings Copse Park Raven: In field between B480 and KCP. Flew of N towards Garsington. Peter Law ...

- Goingbirding: 11th May
Radley village: Radley College Cuckoo: male. fields off Sugworth Lane. (John Hillsdon) Cuckoo Upper Heyford (Mro OOS)...

- Goingbirding: 24th April
Garsington: Kings Copse Park Cuckoo: Flew calling over park into fields below Garsington Hill . One here every year. SU571021. Peter Law ...

