GoingBirding: 23rd May
Garsington: Kings Copse Park Raven: In field between B480 and KCP. Flew of N towards Garsington.
Peter Law
Garsington: 7th May
Garsington Cuckoo Peter Law...
Otmoor 25th April
Garden Warbler 1m singing in blackthorns by car park and then flew off towards Roman Way Grasshopper Warbler 3m reeling in car park field Cuckoo 1 Redstart: male. Along the path to the 1st screen. Raven 3 Wheatear Hobby: Ashgrave. Ewan Urquhart...
Garsington: 28th November
28th November Garsington Tawny Owl: calling near King's Copse Park. Raven: in Combewell off Oxford Road. 3 Buzzard: sitting in usual field along Wheatley Road. Peter Law...
Garsington: 27th May
Garsington Cuckoo: calling in fields between Oxford Rd and B480. Peter Law...
: 14th March
Garsington Curlew: flying over Oxford Rd and calling. SP5702. Peter Law...