GoingBirding: 24th April

GoingBirding: 24th April

Garsington: Kings Copse Park
Cuckoo: Flew calling over park into fields below Garsington Hill . One here every year. SU571021.

Peter Law

- Port Meadow 2nd October: Yellow-browed Warbler
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER this evening doing what looks like a feeding circuit around the trees by the Port Meadow car park at the bottom of Walton Well Road (see here). During the half an hour that I watched it, it started in the copse of mixed trees between...

- Garsington: 7th May
Garsington Cuckoo Peter Law...

- Garsington: 28th November
28th November Garsington Tawny Owl: calling near King's Copse Park. Raven: in Combewell off Oxford Road. 3 Buzzard: sitting in usual field along Wheatley Road. Peter Law...

- Garsington: 27th May
Garsington Cuckoo: calling in fields between Oxford Rd and B480. Peter Law...

- : 14th March
Garsington Curlew: flying over Oxford Rd and calling. SP5702. Peter Law...

