Farmoor Roost

Farmoor Roost

Little Gull

Quite a small roost. A second summer/moulting to adult winter Mediterranean Gull plus a Little Gull with some small black markings in wing tip, probably third winter.

- Farmoor Roost - 18th August
Rather a small roost. No sign of last nights Caspian Gull but 2 moulting juvenile Mediterranean Gulls...

- Farmoor 15th October
  Rock Pipit 3 Little Gull 1 Jack Snipe 1 (per Dai) Farmoor One First winter Caspian Gull 3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 First winter, 1 adult). (per Nic Hallam)...

- Farmoor F2 Basin 5.15 - 7.00pm
Med Gull 1 adult (Nick Hallam & Dai) Little Gull 2 adult keeping to south and 2 adult keeping to west (all non-hooded) Sand Martin 1 Wheatear 1 male SW corner Rock Pipit 2 (Dai). The 1 bird I checked was littoralis; again at south end Herring Gull(?)...

- Farmoor Res. F2 Basin 3.45 - 6.35pm
ENE wind and rain showers, mainly good light Black Redstart not looked for; Goldeneye 14 with just 1 in breeding male plumage; B-h Gull c200 insect catching near surface (only c2500-3000 in roost); Little Gull 1 adult non-breeding plumage, insect catching...

- Iceland Gull Radley 9th March
1st winter Iceland Gull amongst the gull roost this evening on the small ash pit. ...

