Farmoor Res. F2 basin 3.45 - 6.35pm

Farmoor Res. F2 basin 3.45 - 6.35pm

ENE wind and rain showers, mainly good light

Black Redstart not looked for;
Goldeneye 14 with just 1 in breeding male plumage;
B-h Gull c200 insect catching near surface (only c2500-3000 in roost);
Little Gull 1 adult non-breeding plumage, insect catching near surface at south end;
Sand Martin 2 feeding together plus 1 other nearby;
Rock Pipit 1 poorly marked littoralis Scandinavian race bird in SW corner;
Cormorant sky pointing, to swallow Hevy-bite meal;
Mediterranean Gull 1 adult & 1 2nd winter into roost from west;
Common Gull c100 + (none of the 1st W birds had high contrast plumage typical of birds in recent weeks - indicating passage of different population?);
LB-back c250, Herring Gull argenteus and argentatus c50 mainly immatures, GB-back c4;
Lapwing c150 flew NE skimming surface across roost;

- Farmoor: 29th February
Mediterranean Gull; adult full summer plumage, early roost...

- Farmoot Gull Roost Extras
Add to the gull roost: - Leaving the 'common' birds for Nick to find.... The rarest bird of the roost.... a Black-headed Gull with partial albino plumage; completely white flight feathers and wing coverts. 2nd only such plumage I have noted in...

- Farmoor - Sunday Roost
4.50-6.30pm. Light not good for distinguishing gulls (sharp light plus some initial air shimmer over water). Very noticeable increase in large gull numbers, since last few visits and large gulls still arriving at 6.25. Med Gull 1 adult seen when it flew...

- Adult Med Gull In Farmoor Roost
No Twite; No GG Shrike but an Adult Med Gull in the roost instead, photographed here at ISO 3200 setting near dusk i.e. more noise than sharpness but interestingly arty nevertheless. Roost also had plenty of G B-backs, Lesser Black-backs - varied intermedius...

- Appleford Spit Pit 3.05-4.20pm 15th Jan
Glaucous Gull 1 1stW seen feeding at tip, washing in pit and flew off alone to the fields by village at 4.04pm. Common Gull 5 Lapwing 9 c300 B-h Gulls probably outnumbered all other gulls combined. A marked decrease on recent visits and all present could...

