Farmoor Reservoir 28th October

Farmoor Reservoir 28th October

Long-tailed Duck (male) South east corner of F2. (per Simon Ramm)

No sign (in S/E corner of F2) at dusk (per Dave Lowe & Dai)

- Farmoor 5th August
Black Necked Grebe still in NW corner of F2 at 13:41 and Med Gull (Juv) (per Dave Lowe) 3 turnstone on causeway (per RBA)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 25th October
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Slavonian Grebe: In south east corner. Gareth Blockley...

- Farmoor Reservoir
No sign of the Falcated Duck by 11:20 this morning. Also the Mallard numbers have dropped by c250 birds. (per Dai & Terry Sherlock)   Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 3 Dunlin 3 Scaup: ad female; juv female; juv male. 2 Slavonian Grebe Farmoor...

- 22nd October Farmoor
GREY PHALAROPE flying around Farmoor 1 presently (09:45 am) being pursued by a gull. per Dai John Still present 11:05 in South-East corner of F1. per Badger No further sign of the Phal by 13:30 Goosander 3 over heading west Dunlin Ringed Plover...

- Farmoor Res Sun 5th Dec 2010
SOUTH BASIN (F2) ONLY 1.15-4.30pm GN Diver: mid east side at 2.30 making way to NE corner by around 3.30pm Kingfisher: 1 landed on railings by octagonal tower at 2.43GC Grebe: 52 counted at 2.45 Little Grebe: 4 east; 2 south; 4 SW Goldeneye: 14f, 4m...

