22nd October Farmoor

22nd October Farmoor

GREY PHALAROPE flying around Farmoor 1 presently (09:45 am)
being pursued by a gull. per Dai John

Still present 11:05 in South-East corner of F1.
per Badger

No further sign of the Phal by 13:30

Goosander 3 over heading west
Ringed Plover

The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor Reservoir: 30th August
Farmoor Reservoir Osprey: Flew in from the east + circled for about 20 mins hovering a couple of times before being mobbed by gulls and heading off south west. Alan Petherbridge...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 25th October
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Slavonian Grebe: In south east corner. Gareth Blockley...

- Port Meadow: 5th January
30 Waxwing: Hawking insects in north-east corner of Burgess Field. 30 Barnacle Goose Some Video here Yellow-legged Gull Goosander: m. 10 Pintail: 6m 4f. Bar-tailed Godwit Jarrod Hadfield Jack Snipe in Burgess Field (Gnome)  Barnacle Geese still...

- Rushy Island Hopping Skulking Temminck's
Temminck's showed for about 30 out of 90 minutes on at least three islands to the WNW corner of Rushy Common up to around 3pm. Amongst veg, slow moving or static and noticeably smaller in body than a showy Pied Wag alongside, you have to have real...

- Grey Phalarope At Farmoor 18th January
Phil Chapman found a grey phalarope at 15:50 today at Farmoor, still present at the east end of the causeway on F2 at 16:25 (per Badger). Well done Phil for the find and for getting the news out quickly! photo (c) Dai...

