Farmoor Reservoir: 30th August

Farmoor Reservoir: 30th August

Farmoor Reservoir
Osprey: Flew in from the east + circled for about 20 mins hovering a couple of times before being mobbed by gulls and heading off south west.

Alan Petherbridge

- Appleton 15th July
Belated report of Probable Osprey NW of Abingdon at Appleton. Bird first seen flying from NNE direction at 20m. Appleton is about 4 and a half km south of Farmoor reservoir. Rested in Ash tree for c5mins until mobbed by locals, then flew approximately...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 30th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Peregrine: Hunting over the back fields. Seen heading off south west. 4 Jay: 1 in the wood and 3 high over north west. 15 Meadow Pipit: 15+ over south east. 16 Swallow: over south. 3 Grey Wagtail 25 Siskin: c.15 in the wood and...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 7th January
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Great Northern Diver: Being mobbed by gulls in the middle of F2. Joe Harris...

- Farmoor 2nd May: Crane
2nd May Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway Crane: Seen from the Causeway flying North East over F1. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Turnstone 4 Common Sandpiper Dunlin Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II 14 Black Tern Dave Godfrey...

- Osprey 3rd April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Osprey Flew over works, around F1 and off to the north west. 3 Little Gull: 2 1st Summer + 1 Adult. Jeremy Dexter...

