Farmoor 5th August

Farmoor 5th August

Black Necked Grebe still in NW corner of F2 at 13:41
and Med Gull (Juv)

(per Dave Lowe)

3 turnstone on causeway (per RBA)

- Farmoor 12th October
Red-necked Grebe along western edge of F2 12:00 Rock Pipit 2 along causeway (per Dave Lowe & Stephen Akers)...

- Farmoor 6th October
Black-necked Grebe courtesey of Dai  Black-necked Grebe 2 (D.J) on F2 08:40 still present this afternoon (John Gough) Red-necked Grebe (per Justin) Ringed Plover western end of causeway F1 (per Stephen Akers) Rock Pipit 4 at bottom of the causeway...

- Farmoor Reservoir 1st September
Ringed Plover: juv (causeway) Common Sandpiper (causeway) 6 Yellow Wagtail (F1) 3 Yellow-legged Gull (F2) (Gareth Blockley) Greenshank over Lots of warblers at Farmoor this morning inc Lesser Whitethroat 4 Garden Warbler (per Dave Lowe)...

- Farmoor 2nd May: Crane
2nd May Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway Crane: Seen from the Causeway flying North East over F1. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Turnstone 4 Common Sandpiper Dunlin Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II 14 Black Tern Dave Godfrey...

- Farmoor 19th November
Dai John found some good birds on Farmoor this morning: 1 great northern diver 1 black-necked grebe (14:15 at least per Dave Lowe) 1 sanderling 2 Dunlin (per Dave Lowe) 1 barn owl c. 25 goldeneye 3 common gulls Black-necked Grebe F1 early afternoon....

