Farmoor Gull roost

Farmoor Gull roost

Single adult winter Little Gulls in SE corner and East side. c 95% BH Gulls are now adult plumaged. c100 Common of all ages but possibly more immatures than recent days, The large gulls again looking to be mainly immatures and less of them; But lock out time is increasingly well before dusk, so we may be missing those arriving later. Couple of Rock Pipits, c30 Pied's and a single Redshank on F1 causeway. 16 Sand Martins deserving of medals in the bitter NW wind.

- Farmoor Quiet Evening 18.30 - 20.30
Massive fly hatch in hot calm weather Common Tern - 2 appeared at 19.15 on F1, then 4, then back to 2 as 2 left SW B H Gull - Building up to c 16 at sundown Yellow-legged Gull - 2 immatures but possibly more (Heat shimmer across F2) Great Black-backed...

- Farmoor Res. F2 Basin 3.45 - 6.35pm
ENE wind and rain showers, mainly good light Black Redstart not looked for; Goldeneye 14 with just 1 in breeding male plumage; B-h Gull c200 insect catching near surface (only c2500-3000 in roost); Little Gull 1 adult non-breeding plumage, insect catching...

- Farmoor Med Gulls In Late Afternoon
Arrived 16:40, so far too late for any hope of raptor watching. 1 Rockit, 2 Mipit and perhaps 20 Pied Wags plus 1 Ringed Plover in the SE of F1. Enormous gull roost this evening and gusting gale force WSW, so concentrated on F1 only. Common Gull totalled...

- Farmoor F1 C14:00 - 17:15 Saturday
Sun, downpours, windy and calm weather made for an interesting visit. The Curlew Sand was joined by at least 4 Dunlin and 4 Common Sands, mainly along the north shore and NW corner of F1 (northerly basin). The same corner around 15:10 saw a Hobby catching...

- Radley Lakes Mon 6th Dec 2010 2.45-4.45pm
Raw is the word but not as bad as heading towards Farmoor where increasing hawfrost precipitated an about turn. At Radley, all water bodies frozen excepting about western fifth of Thrupp Lake and some deep chanels under heavy willow growth and peaty ground...

