Farmoor BioBlitz - the Lewington Double!

Farmoor BioBlitz - the Lewington Double!

Sunday 16th at Farmoor Reservoir: moth trapping with Richard Lewington; gull roost with Ian Lewington. What more could you want? See Forthcoming Talks for details.

- Twenty Glorious Years!
Our esteemed County Recorder Ian Lewington has notched up an amazing twenty years in his post now. In recognition of his great service to the county he was given a small token of our collective appreciation at the OOS talk this evening. Long may he continue!...

- Otmoor Whiskered Tern
Whiskered Tern found Zoe Edwards and Adam Reid at about 16:30 at the first screen at Otmoor after they were tipped off about a strange dark bellied tern by a member of the public. Joe Harris came to check it out and liaised with Ian Lewington over the...

I will be away from 19th of April until the 12th of May so during that time please submit photographs for inclusion to the OBL and details of forthcoming talks and events to Adam at  adamchartley "at" Good Birding Badger ...

- Talks Wednesday 16th November
OOS: "Expedition to Papua New Guinea" at Stratfield Brake Sports Ground. 7.45 pm. . Abingdon Naturalists: "Pole Position" by Marek Borkowski at Abingdon School, 7:30 pm. See "Forthcoming Talks" at the top of the blog for more details If anyone would...

- Port Meadow: Not A Caspian Gull!
Thought I had a Caspian gull on the Meadow this even. Turns out it's not actually a Caspian but a tricky yellow-legged gull with rather pinkish legs, perhaps from the south-western part of the yellow-legged range. Fortunately Ian Lewington has put...

