Talks Wednesday 16th November

Talks Wednesday 16th November

OOS: "Expedition to Papua New Guinea" at Stratfield Brake Sports Ground. 7.45 pm. .

Abingdon Naturalists: "Pole Position" by Marek Borkowski at Abingdon School, 7:30 pm.

See "Forthcoming Talks" at the top of the blog for more details

If anyone would like to promote any future 'birdy' talks in the county please email
either Jason or Adam and we'll be happy to stick it on the blog.

I will be away from 19th of April until the 12th of May so during that time please submit photographs for inclusion to the OBL and details of forthcoming talks and events to Adam at  adamchartley "at" Good Birding Badger ...

- Farmoor Bioblitz - The Lewington Double!
Sunday 16th at Farmoor Reservoir: moth trapping with Richard Lewington; gull roost with Ian Lewington. What more could you want? See Forthcoming Talks for details....

- Tonight Oxford Ornithological Society Indoor Meeting.
Wednesday 7th. March 2012 A talk by Graham Lenton 'Two Islands' Graham has previously given the society interesting and well presented talks and we can look forward to being entertained and informed again this next Wednesday 7th March at Stratfield...

- Our Vanishing Swifts Talk 18th May
OUR VANISHING SWIFTS A talk by Edward Mayer of Swift Conservation. Peachcroft Christian Centre, Lindsay Drive, Abingdon, OX14 2RT on Wednesday 18th May. Starts 7.30pm. Entrance by a small donation. Refreshments available. This talk is part of the Abingdon...

- Proposed New Oxon Sightings Service
Just to update people: after last night's meeting it has been decided to press ahead with starting up the new service. I'll keep people informed as things progress. Adam Dear fellow bird bloggers, Jason and I are delighted at how successful this...

