Otmoor Whiskered Tern

Otmoor Whiskered Tern

Whiskered Tern found Zoe Edwards and Adam Reid at about 16:30 at the first screen at Otmoor after they were tipped off about a strange dark bellied tern by a member of the public. Joe Harris came to check it out and liaised with Ian Lewington over the phone to confirm the ID at 18:00 when the word was put out. Present till 19:15 when it flew off high to the North.

Returned at about 8pm where it looked settled and ready to roost

per Steve Jennings & Paul Jepson

Grabs (c) Ian Lewington

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 12th May
Little Tern: 06:53, just dropped in briefly and flew off north west!. Arctic Tern: Flew north at c. 12:50. Found by JFT. Gareth Blockley More on Grimsbury Birds...

- Otmoor 12th October
Bittern seen briefly in flight from 2nd screen (per Steve Jennings and Paul Jepson) Sent from my iPhone...

- Otmoor Saturday 26th April
No sign of the Whiskered Tern at Otmoor this morning (per Tom Wickens)...

- Farmoor 21st May
Black necked Grebes still present on F2 early evening Probable Whiskered Tern early evening seen briefly but looked good. Picked up as it flew over the western end of F2 and the causeway  before dropping out of sight below the horizon. Despite...

- 30th April, Farmoor
2 Little Tern at Farmoor till at least 15:26 (per David Lowe) Flew off high to the North West at 16:20 (per Roger Wyatt) ...And back again at 16:50 !...

