Otmoor 12th October

Otmoor 12th October

Bittern seen briefly in flight from 2nd screen
(per Steve Jennings and Paul Jepson)

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- Dorchester Gp's 4th January
Long-tailed Duck still on the Allen Pit at 12:20 (per Paul Jepson & Steve Jennings) The Allen Pit is on the opposite side of the Abingdon Road to the southern end of the Sailing Club lake. Park infont of the two large rusty metal gates and walk across...

- Oxford 25th July
Ring -necked parakeet flying over the University sports ground c20:25 (per Paul Jepson) Sent from my iPhone...

- Otmoor Whiskered Tern
Whiskered Tern found Zoe Edwards and Adam Reid at about 16:30 at the first screen at Otmoor after they were tipped off about a strange dark bellied tern by a member of the public. Joe Harris came to check it out and liaised with Ian Lewington over the...

- Pit 60 21st April
Black-necked Grebe  still Also 3 Wood Sandpiper 2 Green Sandpiper 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Little Ringed Plover 1 Egyptian Goose 2 Red-crested Pochard Steve Jennings & Paul Jepson...

- Otmoor Bittern Again
Bittern seen briefly this a.m.from first screen. disappeared into reeds. Also Stonechat also from screen. 250+ Lapwing 200+Teal Otter More on Otmoor Birding later...

