Farmoor 7th Oct

Farmoor 7th Oct

3 Rock Pipit
+ Aythya hybrid

Dave Lowe.

- Farmoor 12th October
Red-necked Grebe along western edge of F2 12:00 Rock Pipit 2 along causeway (per Dave Lowe & Stephen Akers)...

- Farmoor (dec 31st) 8-10:45
Great Northern Diver - 1 juv appeared in good health and no sign of red twine. Water Rail - 1 Goldeneye - 12 Wigeon - pair Aythya Hybrid - male on F1 still. Bullfinch Aythya Hybrid (c) The Paranoid Birder...

- Farmoor 23rd March 9:35a.m
Little Gull (ad) Rock Pipit (per Dave Lowe) No sign of the Scoter....

- Farmoor Res 28th Dec
Farmoor Res has re-opened but much of it remains frozen over. Little Egret c20 Goldeneye c20 Shoveler 40+Tufted Duck Aythya hybrid Kingfisher...

- Not Lesser Scaup @ Farmoor.
The report of a Lesser Scaup at Farmoor this afternoon was from a group of visitors and refers to the long-staying Aythya HybridSee: Farmoor Birding...

